
苹果明年将在中国推出Apple Pay

Apple has struck a long-awaited deal with UnionPay and 15 Chinese banks to launch its mobile payments service in China.苹果(Apple)与中国银联(UnionPay)及15家中国银行达成协议了一项人们期待已久的协议,将在中国发售其移动支付业务。

本文摘要:Apple has struck a long-awaited deal with UnionPay and 15 Chinese banks to launch its mobile payments service in China.苹果(Apple)与中国银联(UnionPay)及15家中国银行达成协议了一项人们期待已久的协议,将在中国发售其移动支付业务。


Apple has struck a long-awaited deal with UnionPay and 15 Chinese banks to launch its mobile payments service in China.苹果(Apple)与中国银联(UnionPay)及15家中国银行达成协议了一项人们期待已久的协议,将在中国发售其移动支付业务。The tie-up will allow Apple to tap UnionPay’s 5bn issued cards, which are accepted across China and in more than 150 countries. Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and ICBC are among the lenders lined up to support Apple Pay.银联的发卡量约50亿张,银联卡可在中国各地及150多个国家用于。

苹果可利用这一合作搭乘上银联的便车。中国农业银行(ABC)、中国银行(BOC)、中国建设银行(CCB)和中国工商银行(ICBC)等多家银行将为Apple Pay获取反对。However, the mainland rollout of Apple Pay is still awaiting regulatory clearance. Apple said it hoped UnionPay customers would be able to add their cards to the service “as soon as early 2016 after relevant tests and certification required by Chinese regulators”.不过,Apple Pay在中国内地的发售仍尚待监管部门批准后。

苹果回应,Apple Pay“将按照中国监管部门拒绝已完成涉及检测和证书,之后月向中国地区的银联卡持卡人对外开放此项服务,预计最慢2016年初”。The app, powered by a secure chip inside the device, allows customers to pay at participating retailers by holding their thumb on the iPhone’s home button and tapping it at the checkout.用户可用于Apple Pay在签下零售商处展开缴纳,他们只需将拇指放到iPhone的主屏幕键上,然后用手机张贴一下收银设备就可结账。这款应用于由设备内的安全性芯片获取承托。China is a vital market for Apple at a time when growth has slowed in other parts of the world. Sales from the Greater China region doubled last year to $12.5bn, as the iPhone retains its cache among Chinese consumers.中国是苹果的一个最重要市场,目前,该公司在全球其他地区的快速增长早已上升。

由于iPhone对中国消费者仍然具备吸引力,去年大中华区的销售额翻番至125亿美元。“China is an extremely important market for Apple and with China UnionPay and support from 15 of China’s leading banks, users will soon have a convenient, private and secure payment experience,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice-president of internet software and services.苹果互联网软件与服务高级副总裁艾迪錠埃(Eddy Cue)回应:“对于苹果而言,中国市场的重要性不言而喻。通过联手中国银联以及15家中国主要银行的反对,中国的用户将要可以享用便利、安全性和偷窥的缴纳体验。

”Chai Hongfeng, executive vice-president of China UnionPay, said: “China UnionPay is dedicated to promoting payment innovations and providing secure, convenient mobile payment experiences for its hundreds of millions of cardholders.”中国银联继续执行副总裁柴洪峰回应:“中国银联致力于推展缴纳创意,牵头产业各方为数亿银联卡持卡人获取安全性、便利的移动支付体验。”UnionPay’s QuickPass technology already allows many cardholders to pay by tapping their credit cards. Last week, UnionPay said more than 20 banks were backing a new mobile payment service. Chinese consumers used their smartphones to make $3.5tn worth of transactions last year but the market is dominated by Alibaba’s Alipay and Tencent’s Tenpay.银联的闪付(QuickPass)技术早已让许多持卡人可以“晕一下”他们的信用卡就已完成缴纳。




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