

Elon Musk has revealed his Neuralink startup is close to announcing the first brain-machine interface to connect humans and computers.埃隆-马斯克近日回应,其创业公司“神经相连”将要发布首个嵌入式界面,该界面可将人脑和计算机连接起来。

本文摘要:Elon Musk has revealed his Neuralink startup is close to announcing the first brain-machine interface to connect humans and computers.埃隆-马斯克近日回应,其创业公司“神经相连”将要发布首个嵌入式界面,该界面可将人脑和计算机连接起来。


Elon Musk has revealed his Neuralink startup is close to announcing the first brain-machine interface to connect humans and computers.埃隆-马斯克近日回应,其创业公司“神经相连”将要发布首个嵌入式界面,该界面可将人脑和计算机连接起来。The entrepreneur took to Twitter to tell followers the technology would be “coming soon” – though he failed to provide details.马斯克在推特上告诉他粉丝说道,这项技术“将要构建”,但他没透漏细节。

Neuralink was set up in 2016 with the ambitious goal of developing hardware to enhance the human brain, however, little about how this will work has been made public.神经相连公司在2016年正式成立,其可观的目标是研发计算机硬件强化人脑功能,但明确构建方式甚少对公众透漏。The startup’s website, which is advertising vacancies for 11 different jobs, describes the futuristic technology as an “ultra-high bandwidth” connection between the human brain and computers.公司网站于是以聘用11个有所不同工种的遗缺职位,并将这项未来科技叙述为人脑与计算机之间的“超强高带宽”。

Mr Musk has frequently claimed the rapid rise of artificial intelligence poses an existential risk to humanity. Such an interface, he says, is essential if humans are to compete with such technology in the future.马斯克已屡屡申明,人工智能的飞速发展威胁到了人类的存活。他说道,如果人类将来不会与智能科技竞争,这样的脑机交互十分最重要。At a technology conference in 2016, Mr Musk said humans risked being treated like house pets by AI machines if a brain-computer interface was not built.马斯克曾在2016年的一次科技会议上说道,如果不创建脑机交互系统,将来人工智能机器就不会像对待家养宠物一样对待人类。


“I don’t love the idea of being a house cat, but what’s the solution?” he said. “I think one of the solutions that seems maybe the best is to add an AI layer.”他说道:“我想沦为家养宠物,那该怎么解决问题这个问题呢?我实在或许最差的办法就是在人脑减少一个人工智能分层。”Speaking last year on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Mr Musk said Neuralink’s technology would allow humans to “effectively merge with AI”.马斯克去年在《乔·罗根的经历》播客上说道,神经相连公司的技术将使人类“有效地与人工智能融合在一起”。A paper published in Nature Nanotechnology in 2015 described a concept for this connection, explaining how a flexible circuit could be injected into a living brain.2015年公开发表在《大自然纳米技术》上的一篇研究论文叙述了脑机相连的概念,说明了柔性电路可以如何被流经活人的大脑。


“We’re trying to blur the distinction between electronic circuits and neural circuits,” said Harvard researcher Charles Lieber, who co-authored the study.研究报告的年出版者、哈佛大学研究员查理斯-利伯说道:“我们于是以试着模糊不清电子线路和神经电路之间的区别。”“We have to walk before we can run, but we think we can really revolutionize our ability to interface with the brain.”“在跑完之前我们要再行学会回头,但我们指出我们将完全革新脑机交互的能力。”Despite the technology’s potential to augment the human brain, experts have warned that brain-computer interfaces risk being hijacked by rogue artificial intelligence.这项技术除了有可能强化人脑以外,专家还警告说道,脑机交互还有可能被凶狠的人工智能挟持。

Such a scenario could lead to AI controlling the thoughts, decisions and emotions of a person using a brain-computer link.一旦被劫持,将造成人工智能可以通过脑机相连掌控人的思维、要求和感情。“Technological developments mean that we are on a path to a world in which it will be possible to decode people’s mental processes and directly manipulate the brain mechanisms underlying their intentions, emotions and decision,” stated a Nature comment piece written by 27 neuroscientists, ethicists and machine intelligence engineers.27位神经系统学家、伦理学家和机器智能工程师公开发表在《大自然》上的一篇评论写到:“技术的发展意味著,在将来,人们可能会解码人的心路历程,并必要操控大脑机制,从而理解他们的目的、情感和要求。

”“The possible clinical and societal benefits of neurotechnologies are vast. To reap them, we must guide their development in a way that respects, protects and enables what is best in humanity.”“神经科技有可能产生的临床和社会影响十分之大。为借此获益,我们必需以认同和维护的方式指导其发展,使人类借此受益最多。



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