
可口可乐 英特尔和日产等大品牌扎堆涌向电子竞技

Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports, or electronic sports, needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve’s Dota 2: The International tournament. Over 10,000 people watched team Newbee

本文摘要:Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports, or electronic sports, needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve’s Dota 2: The International tournament. Over 10,000 people watched team Newbee


Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports, or electronic sports, needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve’s Dota 2: The International tournament. Over 10,000 people watched team Newbee defeat Vici Gaming three games to one in a best-of-five format to take home just over $5 million of the over $10 million in cash handed out on July 21. Vici Gaming went home with nearly $1.5 million and the third and fourth place teams, Evil Geniuses and DK, also went home winners with over $1 million and over $819,000, respectively.如果有人还在批评电子竞技的魔力,只必须想到今年在美国西雅图KeyArena体育馆举行的《Dota 2》国际邀请赛的现场视频就告诉了。7月21日,来自中国的Newbee战队在五局三胜制的总决赛中,以三比一打败了Vici战队,将多达1000万美元总奖金池中的500多万美元玉女返了家。这场比赛的现场观众多达1万人。

亚军Vici战队也分给将近150万美元奖金,第三名的“恶魔天才”战队和第四名DK战队摘得100多万美元和81.9万美元。While the majority of the millions of global fans watched the action via livestreams on their PCs and connected devices, ESPN3 covered the action just like it would an NFL or college football game. In fact, eSports has thrived thanks to livestreaming companies like Twitch, which back in May Google was rumored to be acquiring for $1 billion. But TV networks like ESPN certainly help put professional video gaming into the mainstream spotlight. And advertisers and sponsors are more accustomed to televised exposure for traditional sports.全球大多数电竞爱好者都是通过电脑或其他设备观赏的网络转播,但是ESPN3电视台却全程报导了总决赛,跟报导全美橄榄球联盟(NFL)或大学橄榄球联赛时没什么两样。实质上,电竞的兴起在相当大程度上要感激像Twitch这样的视频直播公司——据传今年五月谷歌(Google)曾计划耗资10亿美元并购这家公司。

但像ESPN这样的有线电视网络,却使职业电竞比赛踏上了主流舞台。广告商和赞助们也更加习惯于在传统体育项目的电视直播上打广告。One trend that’s clear with eSports is the crossover into holding major events in traditional sports venues. Last fall, Riot Games sold out the Staples Center for its League of Legends Championship Series Finals. While 12,000 people watched live in the home of the Lakers and Kings, over 32 million tuned in to the livestream. This year, European Sports League (ESL) hosted a Dota 2 tournament at former World Cup soccer stadium Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt, Germany. And Riot will host its 2014 World Championship in October at former South Korean Olympic venue Sangam Stadium, which seats 66,000 people.电竞比赛发展的明显趋势之一,就是将比赛搬到到传统的体育场馆。

去年秋天,Riot Games公司将全美《英雄联盟》冠军赛总决赛搬了洛杉矶湖人队和国王队的主场——斯台普斯中心,并且门票被抢购一空。当晚共计1.2万余人在现场观赛,通过视频直播在网上观赏比赛的人堪称多达了3200万。今年,欧洲体育联盟(ESL)在曾多次举行过世界杯的德国法兰克福商业银行体育场里举行了一场《Dota 2》邀请赛。

今年10月,Riot Games公司将在曾主办过韩日世界杯的韩国上岩体育场里举行一场2014年世界锦标赛,这个球场最多能容纳66,000名观众。“Selling out stadiums shows how passionate players are about eSports,” said Dustin Beck, VP of eSports at Riot Games. “Fans from all over the globe will be tuning in to watch the best of the best LOLeSports team battle it out for the World Championship the same way soccer fans from across the globe came out to support their favorite teams during the World Cup. That level of passion and engagement translates to an opportunity for brands who are looking to communicate with this audience by bringing added value to their eSports experience.”Riot Games公司的电竞副总裁达斯汀o贝克认为:“我们在体育场里举行的比赛门票全部售光,充分说明了玩家们对电子竞技的热情。

另外全球游戏爱好者也可以通过视频直播,观赏最顶尖的《英雄联盟》战队在本次世界锦标赛中一决雌雄。这跟全世界球迷在世界杯上反对自己讨厌的球队没什么区别。玩家的热情和参与度,为那些想认识这部分观众的商业品牌带给了机会。”Russell Schwartz, president of theatrical marketing at Relativity said eSports is the new appointment TV, only it’s online.Relativity公司剧场营销总裁纳赛尔o施瓦茨回应,电子竞技早已发展成一类新的电视节目,只不过是在网络上播映。

“Outside of sports on TV, which is the only thing people watch live any more, eSports is the best way to reach Millennials,” said Schwartz. “It’s a live experience that people can interact with online. It’s not that it’s a huge business yet, but it’s getting there. Television is so elusive these days, but with eSports we know it’s where male gamers 14 to 35 are watching.”施瓦茨指出:“现在电视上的体育竞赛差不多是人们唯一还在观赏的直播节目了。除此之外,电子竞技是各大品牌认识年轻人最差的途径。首先它具备直播的体验,而且人们可以在网络上展开对话。



”Major League Gaming and Relativity formed a strategic content and marketing partnership across sports management, television, film and digital media in 2013. The goal of the collaboration was to accelerate MLG’s growth as a mainstream media property, drive appointment viewing to MLG.tv and further strengthen Relativity’s presence in the gaming space.2013年,美国竞技游戏大联盟(MLG)与Relativity影业公司达成协议了一项涵括竞技管理、电视、电影与数码媒体等方面的内容与营销战略合作。合作的目标是加快美国竞技游戏大联盟作为一项主流媒体资产的快速增长,减少其官网MLG.tv的观赏人数,增强Relativity公司在游戏领域的分量。Relativity used MLG.tv to promote this year’s theatrical releases of Kevin Costner’s 3 Days to Kill and Paul Walker’s Brick Mansions. HBO reached out to Riot Games and used the League of Legends online audience to promote the launch of the fourth season of Game of Thrones.Relativity公司利用MLT.tv推展了今年的两部新片,一部是凯文o科斯特纳主演的《三日暗杀》,别一部是保罗o沃克的遗作《暴力街区》。

HBO也寻找Riot Games公司,利用《英雄联盟》这个平台向游戏玩家们推展第四季《权力的游戏》。Earlier this year, Coke Zero kicked off its partnership with Riot Games with the development of the Challenger Series, a series for amateur League of Legend gamers to compete for a spot in the professional league. In essence, it’s a minor league system for players to show their eSports prowess and potentially graduate to the Big Leagues and compete for big money, sponsorship deals and free travel around the globe to compete in tournaments.今年年初,零度可口可乐(Coke Zero)与Riot Games公司合作发动了挑战者系列赛,为业余《英雄联盟》玩家进占职业联赛获取了一次机会。

它实质上是一个较为小的联赛,让业余玩家也有机会一展览自己的身手。优胜者有机会晋升到大联盟,挑战巨额奖金、赞助商合约,以及在全世界飞来飞去,参与职业比赛。“We have worked very closely and collaboratively with Riot Games to create a league that delivers true value to the fans and players of the sport, and that begins to build an infrastructure for eSports that mirrors that of the more traditional sports,” said Matt Wolf, Coca-Cola’s global head of gaming. “To help promote the partnership, we recently launched @cokeesports on Twitter as a place for the brand to engage with fans through our activation with League of Legends. Moving through the end of the year, we will have a presence in South Korea for the World Finals in October.”可口可乐全球游戏总监马特o沃尔夫回应:“我们与Riot Games公司展开了十分紧密的合作,以创建一个能为粉丝和玩家带给确实价值的联赛。首先要做到的是要为电竞搭起一个类似于传统体育竞技的基础平台。

为了增进两家的合作,我们最近还在Twitter上创建了@cokeesports官方账号,作为我们品牌与《英雄联盟》爱好者交流的阵地。到今年年底之前,我们在韩国的比赛和十月的全球总决赛中都将占有一席之地。”League of Legends is currently the most popular eSports game in the world with over 85 million players across the globe. As a result, those playing the game professionally are working with some big brands. Erich Marx, director of Interactive Social Media Marketing at Nissan North America, partnered with League of Legends Team Curse because he and many people on his team are gamers, technologists and fans of eSports and they believe in its potential.《英雄联盟》是当下全球最火的电竞游戏,玩家多达8500万人。因此,《英雄联盟》的专业玩家争相与各大品牌签下。

日产(Nissan)北美公司对话与社交媒体营销总监埃里希o马尔克斯就自由选择与《英雄联盟》的Curse战队合作,因为马尔克斯和他的团队里的许多成员都是电竞玩家或爱好者,而且他们也十分寄予厚望电竞的发展前景。“Our job is to find audiences that are apt to engage with us and who will appreciate our content and hopefully share it with friends and beyond,” said Marx. “ESports are very innovative, and that fits perfectly not only with Nissan products, but our marketing strategy.” Nissan is using the huge social networking reach of Team Curse pro gamers to raise awareness of some of its online campaigns.马尔克斯回应:“我们的工作就是寻找那些偏向于和我们对话并且喜爱我们的内容、期望与朋友展开共享的观众。电竞是创新性很强的项目,因此它不仅非常适合日产的产品,也非常适合我们的营销战略。

”目前日产就正在利用Curse战队著名玩家的社交网络影响来推展它的一些在线广告。Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years, focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix. The energy drink hosts its own eSports events around the country with top players and invites fans to watch live and online. The company also sponsors pro gamers and treats them the same way they treat real athletes, complete with health and nutrition tips to enable peak performance when training and playing in virtual competitions.红牛(Red Bull)过去三年仍然在大力亲吻电子竞技,一开始它把重点放到暴雪公司(Blizzard Entertainment)的《星际争霸2》上,后来又重新加入了《Dota 2》。该公司还自行举行了几场电竞比赛,邀美国国内的顶尖运动员参与,并且邀游戏爱好者观赏在线视频直播。另外该公司赞助商和奖励电竞选手的方式也和他们对待其他体育项目的运动员别无二致,并且还向运动员获取了保健和营养方案,以保证他们在训练和竞技中能维持顶尖的展现出。

“A huge organization like Red Bull getting involved in eSports makes other big organizations pay attention and attract other big organizations,” said Jimmy “DeMoN” Ho, a Dota 2 pro gamer on Team Liquid. “McDonald’s recently sponsored an event.”《Dota 2》战队的专业运动员“恶魔”吉米o何回应:“像红牛这样的大企业参予电子竞技,使得其他大企业也开始注目这个领域。比如麦当劳(McDonald’s)最近也赞助商了一场电竞比赛。”Also blurring the line between sports and eSports is the fact that traditional Red Bull extreme athletes were competing at X-Games Austin in June for the exact same medals that Call of Duty Ghosts teams were playing for. ESPN covered the first-ever video game competition, which was hosted through MLG, along with the skateboarding and other extreme sports.除此之外,还有一个例子需要解释传统体育竞技和电子竞技的界限正在慢慢模糊不清。

今年六月在X-Games极限运动的奥斯汀站上,举行了一场由八支电竞队伍参与的《愿景的恶魔:幽灵》邀请赛。电竞选手们取得的奖牌,与红牛的极限运动运动员在本站争夺战的奖牌是一模一样的。“This is another example of the maturity of eSports,” said Ehtisham Rabbani, general manager of Logitech’s gaming business. “We believe that eSports helps keep the X-Games relevant. ESports already has greater viewership online via streaming than many sports today, including the X-Games and many NBA and NHL games. It is not if, but when will eSports become the most popular sport in the world.”罗技公司(Logitech)游戏业务总经理艾蒂沙姆o拉巴妮认为:“这是电子竞技南北成熟期的另一个例子。



电子竞技沦为全球最热门的运动只是时间早晚的问题。”Even the NFL has taken notice of eSports. St. Louis Rams offensive lineman Rodger Saffold is an avid gamer who attended his first MLG competition in Anaheim in 2013. He liked eSports so much he bought Call of Duty Ghosts team Rise Nation Gaming, which was one of the teams that competed at X-Games Austin a few months after the Activision and Xbox $1 Million Call of Duty Championship in Los Angeles.就连全美橄榄球联盟也开始注目电子竞技了。圣路易斯公羊队的反攻内锋罗杰o萨福德就是一名热心玩家,他还参与了2013年在阿纳海姆市举行的MLG电竞比赛。由于十分醉心于电子竞技,他甚至卖给了《愿景的恶魔:幽灵》的Rise Nation Gaming战队。

这支战队也正是几个月前刚参与了奥斯汀X-Games邀请赛的八支战队之一,此前该战队还参与了美国动视(Activision)和Xbox在洛杉矶举行的《愿景的恶魔》冠军赛,这场比赛的奖金为100万美元。“I didn’t even know about eSports until last year, but I just enjoyed playing Call of Duty so much, and I was always online,” said Saffold, who recently signed a five-year, $31.7 million contract extension with the Rams. “I love the bragging rights. And now here I am. I finally see everything for the first time from a first-person view instead of on a computer screen. It’s all good for these kids. It shows that video games can bring you some money now. It’s not always a waste of time.”萨福特最近与公羊队签定了一份五年3170万美元的续约合约。他回应:“直到去年,我还一点不理解电子竞技,我就是十分讨厌《愿景的恶魔》,而且总是在网上玩游戏这个游戏。


电竞对这些孩子也是好事,它解释玩游戏网游现在也能赚了,并非总是在浪费时间。”ESports is definitely not a waste of time for big sponsors. Intel has been sponsoring eSports for over 10 years now. George Woo, who heads up the Intel Extreme Masters global eSports tournament, said the company entered the space to establish a marketing platform to promote its gaming processor online and offline to make it the preferred and recommended processor brand by enthusiasts and to drive purchase intent for all of its gaming products.对于大赞助们来说,电子竞技意味著不是浪费时间。


“Attendance to Intel Extreme Masters events has grown 10X with us filling up sport stadiums, where we have visitors lining up to get a seat to watch the competition,” said Woo. “Online it has grown 100X, where we now get more viewers watching livestreams for a single event than we’d have tune in for an entire season in the past.”乔治o吴回应:“到现场观赏英特尔无限大大师赛的观众早已快速增长了10倍,观众们为了卖一张门票被迫排起长队。而在网络上,这项赛事的观众早已快速增长了100倍,现在观赏一场比赛的视频直播观众,要比以往一个赛季的观众都多。



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