
月球两极附近分布水冰 或为人类访客提供水源

Astronomers have found patches of frost scattered around the moon’s north and south poles which could one day provide a source of water for human visitors.天文学家找到,一片片冰霜区零星产于在月球的北极和南极周边。将来,它们可以为人类参观者获取水源。

本文摘要:Astronomers have found patches of frost scattered around the moon’s north and south poles which could one day provide a source of water for human visitors.天文学家找到,一片片冰霜区零星产于在月球的北极和南极周边。将来,它们可以为人类参观者获取水源。


Astronomers have found patches of frost scattered around the moon’s north and south poles which could one day provide a source of water for human visitors.天文学家找到,一片片冰霜区零星产于在月球的北极和南极周边。将来,它们可以为人类参观者获取水源。The scientists spotted the telltale signature of frozen water in infrared measurements taken by Nasa’s moon mineralogy mapper, an instrument that flew on India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon a decade ago.科学家们在美国航天局的月球矿物绘图仪获得的红外测量结果中找到了这些冰冻水的痕迹。这个月球矿物绘图仪于10年前乘坐印度的“月船1号”探测器飞往月球。

The freshly-analysed data show that water ice lurks on the ground in a number of spots near the moon’s polar regions that are permanently in shade and so sheltered from the heat of the sun’s rays.对有关数据的近期分析表明,月球两极地区附近的多数地表产于着水冰。月球的两极地区长年正处于阴郁中,终年不知阳光。Most of the ice was found near the moon’s south pole around a cluster of craters named after scientists and explorers, including Haworth, Shoemaker, Sverdrup and Shackleton. In the north, the patches of ice appeared to be more isolated, according to Shuai Li at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology in Honolulu.大部分的冰是在月球南极附近一系列环形山的周边找到的。

这些环形山都以科学家和探险家的名字命名,还包括霍沃思、休梅克、斯韦德鲁普和沙克尔顿。夏威夷檀香山地球物理与行星学研究所的李帅(音)说道,月球北极的水冰或许集中一些。Follow-up measurements of the ice patches found that they tended to form where the surface temperature never crept above -163C, but temperature alone was not enough to guarantee frozen water: only 3.5% of the shadowy areas the scientists checked for water revealed notable signs of ice.对这些冰霜区的先前测量找到,在表面气温从来不多达零下163摄氏度的地方最有可能构成冰。


但温度本身足以确保经常出现冰冻的水:科学家观测水源经过的阴郁地区中只有3.5%的区域表明出有显著的水冰迹象。The images are the first “direct and definitive evidence” of water ice that is exposed on the surface of the moon, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “These ice deposits might be utilised as an in-situ resource in future exploration of the moon,” the authors write.美国《国家科学院学报》期刊公开发表的一篇报告说道,这些图片是月球表面不存在水冰的首个“必要和具体证据”。作者们写到:“在未来的探月活动中,这些冰也许能作为一种当地资源加以利用。

”The Indian Space Agency launched its Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon in 2008 and was swiftly rewarded with evidence of frozen water on the lunar surface a year later. Rather than sheets of ice on the surface, the water is thought to exist as water molecules bound to grains of moon dust.印度航天局2008年升空了“月船1号”搜月器。一年后,该搜月器就寻找了月球表面不存在冰冻水的证据。人们指出,月球上的水以水分子的形式不存在,它们同月球灰尘融合在一起,而不是以月球表面的冰层形式不存在。Soon after the Indian feat, Nasa crashed a spacecraft into the 100km-wide Cabeus crater which is in permanent shade on the moon’s south pole. The intentional act of lunar violence threw up a plume of debris from which scientists were able to confirm the presence of water on the moon.印度的这项找到之后旋即,美国航天局将一个航天器撞到向坐落于月球南极永久阴影区、直径100公里的卡贝乌斯环形山。





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