

ArcelorMittal will launch a new high-strength automotive steel later this year, throwing down the gauntlet to its rivals in the race to make cars lighter.安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)将于今年晚些时候公布一款新型高强度汽车用钢,此举将在减少汽车重量的竞争中向输掉发动挑战。

本文摘要:ArcelorMittal will launch a new high-strength automotive steel later this year, throwing down the gauntlet to its rivals in the race to make cars lighter.安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)将于今年晚些时候公布一款新型高强度汽车用钢,此举将在减少汽车重量的竞争中向输掉发动挑战。


ArcelorMittal will launch a new high-strength automotive steel later this year, throwing down the gauntlet to its rivals in the race to make cars lighter.安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)将于今年晚些时候公布一款新型高强度汽车用钢,此举将在减少汽车重量的竞争中向输掉发动挑战。The world’s biggest steel producer by tonnage said that its new grade, called Usibor 2000, would be about one-third stronger than those currently available for carmaking.这家全球产量最低的钢铁制造商回应,这款新型用钢被称作Usibor 2000,其强度将比现有的汽车用钢高达三分之一左右。

“It’s lightweight because the material is so strong that you need a lot less of it to achieve the same functionality,” said Greg Ludkovsky, head of research and development at ArcelorMittal.安赛乐米塔尔研发部门总监格雷格路德科夫斯基(Greg Ludkovsky)回应:“它有助减肥,因为这种材料强度十分低,要构建某种程度的功能必须较少的用钢。”Tightening regulations on exhaust emissions in the fight against climate change are forcing automakers to improve their fleets’ average fuel efficiency. Alongside improvements in internal combustion engine technology and developments in electric vehicles, one of the main ways is by reducing mass.在应付气候变化的希望中,针对尾气废气的监管力度增大,这于是以被迫汽车制造商提升汽车的平均值燃油效率。除了内燃机技术的改良和电动汽车的发展,主要的方法之一是减少汽车重量。

While steel remains the material of choice in automotive, there is increasing competition from other substrates, such as aluminium and plastic composites, which can offer weight advantages.尽管钢材仍是汽车的选用材料,但它于是以面对其他板材日益白热化的竞争,例如不具备重量优势的铝塑复合板。This was illustrated when Ford switched to aluminium for the body of its 2015 F-150 pickup truck, the best-selling vehicle in the US for more than three decades.福特(Ford) 2015款F-150皮卡转用全铝车身就指出了这点,这款车型是30多年来美国最畅销的。ArcelorMittal said that for applications requiring complex shapes, its Usibor 2000 product would bring potential weight saving of up 10 per cent on the previous best steel grade. It is more than three times stronger than leading automotive aluminium alloys, according to the company. Launch is expected by the end of this year in Europe and mid-2017 in the US.安赛乐米塔尔回应,对于结构简单的形状,其Usibor 2000产品将令部件重量潜在比以前最差的钢材品级增加10%。




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