

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state space agency Roscosmos is considering building its own space station, RIA news agency quoted its chief as saying on Monday, underlining how international tensions are affecting space cooperation.莫斯科(路透社)——俄

本文摘要:MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state space agency Roscosmos is considering building its own space station, RIA news agency quoted its chief as saying on Monday, underlining how international tensions are affecting space cooperation.莫斯科(路透社)——俄


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state space agency Roscosmos is considering building its own space station, RIA news agency quoted its chief as saying on Monday, underlining how international tensions are affecting space cooperation.莫斯科(路透社)——俄罗斯联邦航天局于是以考虑到修建自己的空间站,俄罗斯通讯社援引该局局长的话说道,这指出国际紧张局势正在影响空间合作。Such a project would rival the International Space Station (ISS), an orbiting laboratory that involves 15 nations including Russia and the United States.Moscow has cast doubt on the ISSs long-termfuture as ties with Washington plummet over Ukraine.这样的一个新项目将与国际空间站展开竞争。由于美俄关系因为乌克兰问题而好转,所以俄罗斯对国际空间站的将来未来早已产生猜测。I confirm we are considering such an option. This is a possible direction of development, RIA quoted Roscosmoshead Oleg Ostapenko as saying when asked about whether Russia has plans to develop it own space station.“我确认我们正在考虑到自己创建一个空间站。

这是一个有可能的自由选择,”俄罗斯联邦航天局局长说道。He said such a space station could become akey part of Russian missions to the Moon.他说道这样的空间站可沦为俄罗斯登月计划中关键的一部分内容。


It is not clear how such a project would be financed as Russia is widelyexpected to enter recession next year and the economic crisis is aggravated by Western sanctions over Russias policy in the Ukraine crisis.由于俄罗斯明年近于有可能步入衰落,所以不告诉将从哪里取得资金来反对这样的项目。而且由于被西方制裁,俄罗斯的经济危机更进一步的好转了。



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