

Worry.担忧。As Dushka Zapata says, worry is a useless emotion.正如萨帕塔所说,担忧是多余的情绪。 It does nothing but stress you out, and I hate that, so I hide from it.它起没法任何起到不能使你深感紧绷,我很喜欢担忧,所以这是我最想要躲避的。

本文摘要:Worry.担忧。As Dushka Zapata says, worry is a useless emotion.正如萨帕塔所说,担忧是多余的情绪。 It does nothing but stress you out, and I hate that, so I hide from it.它起没法任何起到不能使你深感紧绷,我很喜欢担忧,所以这是我最想要躲避的。


Worry.担忧。As Dushka Zapata says, worry is a useless emotion.正如萨帕塔所说,担忧是多余的情绪。


It does nothing but stress you out, and I hate that, so I hide from it.它起没法任何起到不能使你深感紧绷,我很喜欢担忧,所以这是我最想要躲避的。Why hasn’t Mom texted you back by now?为什么妈妈至今还没回你短信?A million morbid images spill through my brain. What if she collapsed somewhere? What if she needs my help? What if she’s been attacked by someone?成千上万张可怕场景穿越我的脑袋。如果她在某处倒地了怎么办?如果她必须我的协助怎么办?如果她被某个人攻击了怎么办?She’s fine, I assure myself.她很好,我重复告诉他自己。More awful situations fill my head. Then she texts, I’m by the door.接着,更加多差劲的场景经常出现在我的脑海里。

之后她返我短信:“我在门口。”I breathe a sigh of relief.我叹出一口气。Fear.不安。Fear of losing the imperative people of my life, who truly matter to me.惧怕丧失生命中那些对我很最重要的人。

Ive already lost some of my dear ones in an abrupt manner. I dont have more mettle to bear losing someone again. Many times, I try to overlook it, but sometimes, my hands become moist if I hear about someones death.我早已由于忽然的原因丧失了一部分最亲的人。我没办法再行承受丧失其他亲人。很多次我试着去忽视它,但是有时当我听见某个亲人的死讯时我的整双手都湿透了。I don’t really hide from my emotions. I acknowledge that I feel them, but I don’t like feeling them. I know that emotions affect my ability to process information and make a logical decisions, and I don’t like this. I severely crush strong emotions that and hope they don’t come out again.我从来不躲避自己的情绪。


我否认我可以感受到我的情绪,但我并不讨厌感觉它们。我告诉情绪不会影响我的处置信息并做出合乎逻辑的要求的能力,所以我不讨厌这样。我会反感地抗拒自己的情绪,期望它们会经常出现。But if I had to choose an emotion, I guess it’d have to be anger. Anger makes you do the stupidest things that you don’t mean. I try very hard to curb my anger, and I try very hard to hold the furious words in. I try to wait until the feelings pass before talking about what the problem was.但如果要选一个情绪,我指出应当是气愤吧。





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