

Physicists said that, based on a review of new data, they are confident that they have discovered a Higgs boson, a long-sought particle crucial to explaining the universe.物理学家说道,根据对新的数据的分析,他们现在相信已找到了长期以来仍然在找寻的希格斯玻色子(Higgs boson)。

本文摘要:Physicists said that, based on a review of new data, they are confident that they have discovered a Higgs boson, a long-sought particle crucial to explaining the universe.物理学家说道,根据对新的数据的分析,他们现在相信已找到了长期以来仍然在找寻的希格斯玻色子(Higgs boson)。


Physicists said that, based on a review of new data, they are confident that they have discovered a Higgs boson, a long-sought particle crucial to explaining the universe.物理学家说道,根据对新的数据的分析,他们现在相信已找到了长期以来仍然在找寻的希格斯玻色子(Higgs boson)。该粒子在说明宇宙方面至关重要。

The Higgs boson is important because it is linked to a mechanism that confers mass to elementary particles─helping to explain the presence of stars, planets and all living things.希格斯玻色子之所以最重要,是因为它与一种可彰显基本粒子质量的机制有关,而这有助说明恒星、行星和一切生物的不存在。In July, the European particle-physics laboratory CERN, which runs an atom-smashing machine called the Large Hadron Collider, said it may have discovered a Higgs-like particle. Physicists have now analyzed 2? times the amount of the original data from CERN experiments. The latest findings were reported Thursday at a physics conference in Italy.去年7月,享有大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider)的欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN说道,有可能早已找到了类似于希格斯的粒子。物理学家现分析的数据量是CERN涉及实验原始数据量的2.5倍。近期研究找到已于周四在意大利举办的物理学会议上发布。

The latest data are magnificent and to me and it is clear that we are dealing with a Higgs boson though we still have a long way to go to know what kind of Higgs boson it is, Joe Incandela, a CERN spokesman, said in a news release.CERN发言人因坎代纳(Joe Incandela)在新闻发布会上说道,近期数据有伟大意义,我个人指出,很显著我们正在与希格斯玻色子做事,尽管要摸明白它归属于哪种希格斯玻色子仍有很长一段路要回头。The Higgs boson is the only particle theorized by the standard model of physics that hasnt been conclusively observed in an experiment. The model describes how matter is built and how particles interact.希格斯波色子是唯一一种经物理学标准模型推理小说但还并未在实验中佐证仔细观察到的粒子。

这种模型叙述的是物质如何积存而出以及粒子之间如何相互作用。Particles like the Higgs have to be found indirectly, by hurtling them to near-light speed and then smashing them together to generate other subatomic entities. An analysis of these smash-ups indicates the mass of the particle being sought.像希格斯波色子这样的粒子不能被间接寻找,方法是将粒子加快到相似光速,然后使其互相撞击,从而产生其他亚原子微粒。对这些撞击的分析表明,有大量这种被人们找寻的粒子。

Since the initial findings were disclosed in the summer, physicists have eagerly awaited fresh experimental data.自从去年夏天透露了可行性研究结果后,物理学家仍然在盼望期望有新鲜的实验数据揭晓。The view back then was like seeing a person in a fog─you knew there was a person there but you werent sure who it was, said Andy Parker, a professor of high energy physics at the University of Cambridge who is involved in the CERN experiments. Thanks to the latest data, were no longer going to call it a Higgs-like boson but a Higgs boson.剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)高能物理学教授、参予了CERN实验的帕克(Andy Parker)说道,当时的观点就看起来在浓雾中看见了一个人,你告诉有个人在那里,但不确认他是谁。




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